baldur's gate enhanced edition item codes. This item appears in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. baldur's gate enhanced edition item codes

 This item appears in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Editionbaldur's gate enhanced edition item codes Kiel's Morning Star was once the property of Kiel the Legion Killer, the oldest child of Durlag Trollkiller and Islanne

This item appears in Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. The Butter Knife of Balduran is an item that can be found in the northern half of the Isle of Balduran, inside the wreck of the Wandering Eye. 1 Activating. Neera has one in her inventory when she joins the party. The Golden Girdle or Golden Girdle of Urnst is a magical belt that provides an additional protection from slashing attacks of 3. It is necessary for opening a warded chest on the same level. Many of these items appear in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, but not in Baldur's Gate. Source of various things Baldur's Gate and beyond. Potions of Heroism are potions throughout the Baldur's Gate series that magically improve the consumer's chance of landing a hit during combat while simultaneously raising their health, both for a duration of two hours. Add All. Potion of Extra Healing heals up to 27 HP of the character drinking the potion. 1 followed just two weeks later, on April 14, 2016, and version 2. Item Name: THAC0: Damage: Speed: Weight: Bastard Sword 0 2d4 8 10. +2. Cheat Codes CLUAConsole:ExploreArea () - Reveals map of the current area. First save a copy of the baldur. Double-click the . Item code. New items in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; New items in Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; New items in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; Spells. At this stage it's a good idea to create a backup file just in case something goes wrong! Cheats:FirstAid(); All items needed for main quest:. Best Spells Baldur's Gate 1. Code: SAHBOLT 5)Bolt of Lightning Damage: 1D8 (1-8) Damage type: Piercing Abilities: 4D4 electrical damage (save vs. He can be found in his cabin in the Umar Hills after. All of the upgrades were created with balance in mind, and most have unique effects to keep things fun and fresh. Bastard Sword +3. Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition v2. The Oasis. Durlag's Tower is an area added by the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack. 292 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; 28 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; 259 Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 100 Modding; 236 Off Topic; 393 French; 59 Discussions Générales; 10 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (French) 3 Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition (French) 17 Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition;. Hopper Jun 12 @ 3:31am. Characters with a Constitution score of 20 begin. Item code. . Potion of Superior Healing heals up ot 40 HP of the character drinking the potion. 3. Priest spells; Wizard spells; Spells by class;. This item is cursed and may only be removed with a Remove Curse spell. If the party delivers the vial of blood to Fael in the Umar Hills, it can be used to upgrade the Human Flesh armor to Human Flesh +5 armor. 992 hours ago · Black Friday may be all about spending money, but sometimes the best things in life are free, as this new Baldur's Gate 3 mod proves by allowing you to give one of. These are the lists of all items found in each game files. It has a -3 bonus to THAC0 and damage, when compared to normal battle axe. 292 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; 28 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; 260 Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 100 Modding; 236 Off Topic; 393 French; 59 Discussions Générales; 10 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (French) 3 Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition (French) 17 Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition;. A Potion of Hill Giant Strength sets the Strength of the drinker to 19. . Some of these items were added by Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. 15% chance per hit of stunning the target for 1 round (save vs. (1) Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - PC [Online Game Code] $ 19. Imports new spells and Icewind Dale items into Baldur's Gate 1 Enhanced Edition. . Each hit reduces target's Magic Resistance by 15% for 4 rounds. 31 Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition; 292 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; 28 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; 259 Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 100 Modding; 236 Off Topic; 393 French; 59 Discussions Générales; 10 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (French) 3 Planescape: Torment: Enhanced. Air Scepter. 234 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; 11 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; 59 Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 1. Plot related items from the ORIGINAL Baldur's Gate are not covered. Katana +1 is an enchanted weapon. 350 Technical information. The general consensus would seem to be that the version 2. CT file in order to open it. Baldur's Gate -- Enhanced Edition. , can be found within the 1st level of the dungeon in Durlag's Tower. 1080p visuals are certainly a great improvement over the original SVGA resolution and it incorporates the Baldur's Gate 2. ini files (File Expert worked for me). Although familiars are fully capable of fighting, their low hit points and the severe drawbacks for the familiar's death means that allowing familiars to enter combat is risky, unless you have a good strategy. sys. e. ini in the search box to confirm. SoD. This does not work against dragons, giants or other large creatures. Subject: BG: Complete Item List Date: 22 Jan 1999 03:45:57 GMT Newsgroups: comp. Now instead of clicking the done button, just click the button on the top left to go back to your main screen. Ioun stones. Place item in their respective case (potion case, scroll case, or gem bag). 16. In addition to the normal Buckler properties, it offers +1 to Constitution so long as it is worn. Make a backup copy of Baldur. This page is about Sarevok Anchev in the games preceeding Baldur's Gate III. Im a searching for a way to enable the CLUA Consoles cheats codes on the enhanced Edition : Everywhere i look, the only possible way is to put the famous : "Debug Mode = 1 " under "Program Options" in the Baldur. Lothander's Potion of Antidote is a quest item in the the Marek and Lothander quest in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. No it's slightly different. Install Cheat Engine. November 2019. The Archer's Eyes is an amulet that augments the wearer's ranged attacks. This item can be upgraded by. Item value. 1 Location. Potion Cases are purchasable storage devices that can be used to store a total amount of 100 potions apiece. The Thresher +2 is an unique magical flail with a +2 bonus to THAC0, 1d6+3 damage, a speed factor of 5 and it has a weight of 13 lbs. Cheats and debug menu are not available on console. QUIVER05. This is a guide that is intended to describe the usefulness of the various spells and special abilities found in Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition. Then start the game and press Ctrl and Tab to open the console. 1. The Ring of Gaxx is one of several items in the Baldur's Gate series that are inspired by the Book of Artifacts, a 2nd edition sourcebook for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, which the Baldur's Gate series is based on. • C:ExploreArea() • C:SetCurrentXP(#) - Assigns experience points (# is the amount of experience) • C:CreateItem("xxxx",#) - Create item (xxxx is the filename and # is stacksize)The Quiver of Plenty +1 supplies an unlimited amount of Arrow +1 when equipped in the quiver. Item Codes: (provided by @Tresset‌) Hojar's Flame +1 - ohrax1h1 The Grave Binder +2 - dagg04 Dagger of Venom +2 - misc75. Blackrazor +3. 2. The Black Pits is a series of sequentially more difficult arena style. They don't have any. 1 Answer. As its name suggests, it has the power to alter the fundamental. Keep the list. Description. Type. It has a weight of only 7 lbs and provides an armor class of 5. It received a sequel, The Black Pits II: Gladiators of Thay, together with the release of the base game's sequel's Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. This item appears in Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition and. Invest now in items to boost your magical resistances and Saving Throws, it will prove useful during the last fights. 2 lb. Edit the origional file ''baldur. Once you’ve got the command console enabled, enter the command below to enable cheat keys. ini file in your Baldur’s Gate directory. Confirmed (tested on BG1 and 2 Enhanced Editions). You need to press L1, R2, and the Left Triangle keys while you play the game. ini file has been changed to Baldur. Content from the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition campaign Shadows of Amn: BG1 BG2 Item. The Ring of Regeneration gives the wearer the ability to regenerate one lost hit point every six seconds. ini in the Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition folder. Downloadable Content. Potions of Perception temporarily raise the chance of successful thieving rolls by 20%. One way to mitigate is to sell/buy enough wands of the. Golden Axe +1 is an enchanted Battle Axe. itm. Baldur's Gate:Siege of Dragonspear (2016)This icon indicates content from the Siege of Dragonspear campaign of the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. TELWEAI. Inside, you’ll find a file called Baldur. Go to the end of the line above the first Program Options you see and at the very end of that line hit enter. 6K Other Languages;Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition > Guides > Mecker's Guides . Ring of Acuity: The origins of this ring are unclear, and while its enchantments share similarities with historical examples of Rings of Wizardry, there is something strange in how it feels, either in the weight of the metal or in. Get more out of Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition and enhance your gaming experience. The. 3-12. Open Baldur. A Scroll Case can be used to store scrolls, saving space in character inventory. LUA files). 1. The highest XP they can have at the time of joining is 32,000 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (2012)Adding this line to the Baldur. drussthelegend May 7, 2015 @ 1:38am. The weapon weighs 7 lbs and it has a speed factor of 5. It might be a prudent idea to reserve a party slot for a thief or one of its variants with ample thieving skills to sniff out. PLOT ITEMS: (Throne of Bhaal only!) QUIVERS: (Throne of Bhaal only!) QUIVER01 - Quiver of Plenty +1 QUIVER02 - Case of Plenty +1 QUIVER03 - Quiver of Plenty +2 QUIVER04 - Case of Plenty +2 QUIVER05 - Bag of Plenty +1 QUIVER06 - Bag of Plenty +2. lua, which you can open using the notepad. The Holy Cloak is an item necessary to complete the first quest for Delainy, respectively Durlyle. 01l | Updated: 09/25/2023 Highest Rated Guide Previous: Appendix: Lord of Murder Table of Contents Next: Trophies Items The following sections are an item reference for the game:. These merchants are listed in the Fences category. It is obtained as one of the three rewards by answering correctly ("murder") in Thrix's riddles, other two choices are Echo of the Fiend, or The Guardian Devil. In this file you will see a ''[Program Options]'' heading. Code: BOLT03 6)Kuo. 1. Bastard Sword +1. First, you enable the console by writing this in your Baldur. Item Codes Baldur's Gate 1. The cloak can be worn by all classes but provides no enhancement or bonus of any kind. Chanthalas Ulbright has one in The Lady's Hall in West Baldur's Gate. Date Posted: Jul 9, 2017 @ 7:45am. New items in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; New items in Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; New items in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; Spells. Under that heading add a line that says "Debug Mode=1. Contents. Not usable by. CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP ("XXXXX") - Give Experience to selected characters. They are most notably dropped by members of the Blacktalons - human Bandits, in other words. Get all the inside info, cheats, hacks, codes, walkthroughs for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition on GameSpot. The Enhanced Edition. While it has THAC0 enchantment of +5, the damage. lua, this post will show you where and how to include the command to enable Debug Mode. ini file in Baldur's Gate 2 directory,then open it with Notepad. During gameplay hit Ctrl+Space to open console,then type CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("creature name"). Once in the game, press Ctrl+Tab to toggle the console. Add the following line: SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1') Save. WA2SHIEL. 292 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; 28 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; 260 Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 100 Modding; 236 Off Topic; 393 French; 59 Discussions Générales; 10 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (French) 3 Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition (French) 17 Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition; 234 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced. ini file. (Should be in the main Black Isle folder. Double-click the . ini file. Changing the character will update the info. 0, Beamdog moved game settings from the original Baldur. , eleven of which you can import into Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Shadows of Amn (2013)This icon indicates content from the Shadows of Amn campaign of the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced. ) Very important, save the file and change it to read-only. Note: Manual addition of this category to any article is not recommended, as a properly filled infobox. CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP ( x ) - Sets the experience points of the currently selected characters to x. Map Mega List. Providing a common type of physical damage in the game, this flail can. ini'' with notepad 4. It does not offer any protection from magical attacks, however, and will wear off with the passage of 2 hours. If you don't know how to use the console commands on this page -- don't worry, I explain the proper format and provide links to guides explaining how to make all this stuff work. 31 Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition; 292 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; 28 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; 259 Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 100 Modding; 236 Off Topic; 393 French; 59 Discussions Générales; 10 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (French) 3 Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition (French) 17 Icewind Dale: Enhanced. +4. ini file does not appear anywhere. In Baldur's. He is the main antagonist in the events of Baldur's Gate and a potential companion in Throne of Bhaal. lua file, which should be located in your Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition folder: SetPrivateProfileString ('Program Options','Debug Mode','1') Then, where you would have used CLUAConsole in the original, you only use C now. UTF-8 support for all files. MISC04. It is similar to a Staff of Striking but it is more powerful and does not use charges. Bag of Holding is a magical bag with capacity of 100 item slots and a fixed weight of 5 lb. 31 Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition; 292 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; 28 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; 259 Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 100 Modding; 236 Off Topic; 393 French; 59 Discussions Générales; 10 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (French) 3 Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition (French) 17 Icewind Dale: Enhanced. $104. It also inflicts +1 Electricity damage that can be blocked by the target's Magic resistance. First edit the file called baldur. New items in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; New items in Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear;. Make a backup of the file Baldur. New items in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; New items in Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; New items in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; Spells. Legacy of the Masters, also known as the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, are magically enchanted gauntlets which increase damage delivered by its wielder and improve hitting chance. g. 2. lua and add this line. There should be a list of two files and one document - the document is the . The effects lasts 4 turns. Install Cheat Engine. ini''. to the file. The enhanced game Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Throne of Bhaal (2013)This icon indicates content from the Throne. You just need a keyboard that is Android compatible. Tomes of Understanding are magical tomes that increase the character ability of Wisdom by one point (up to a maximum of 25) and are consumed when the point is added. To do that, navigate to your installation folder, open baldur. Baldur's Gate, Tales of the Sword Coast, Baldur's Gate 2, Throne of. Players should exercise caution when trying to obtain this priceless treasure, as a floorboard near said table is rigged with a nasty. Open your Baldurs Gate 2 Directory 2. Weight. The Baldur's Gate RPGs are the face of D&D video games and helped bring CRPGs into the mainstream gaming industry. The armor is made by Cromwell from Shadow Dragon Scales for 5,000 ; in the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, it can also be made by Cespenar for the same price during the Throne of Bhaal campaign. Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. August 2019 in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition So basically, I'm kind of tired of looking through notepad documents and readmes online every time I want to look at item recipes, so I've decided to put my background to use and create an excel spreadsheet that has all craftable items in the game along with the recipes for them. In this file you will see a ''. By Mecker. General Baldur’s Gate Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC Published: November 17, 1999 by Cheat Code Central Staff |. November 2013 edited April 2016 in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition Warning: This guide contains major spoilers for all of the new content in BG2:EE; much more so than the guide for BG:EE. Items: Amulet of spell warding - (+2 to saves vs spells) -Kryll, Area south east of Nashkel mines (part of Dorn's storyline) Moonlight walkers (+2 bonus to AC) - Rasaad's starting equipment. For example, this. New items in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; New items in Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; New items in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; Spells. ----- Quick Item List ----- AMULETS: AMUL01 - Necklace of Missiles AMUL02 - Necklace AMUL04 - Studded Necklace with Zios Gems AMUL05 - Bluestone Necklace. lua' file NOT the 'baldur. The focus is to bring competitive mid-tier items, inspired by IWD and NWN2, into the game. Arcana Archives Karthis al-Hezzar Temple of Waukeen in. . Other. Acquisition [] Shadows of Amn []. The. Location. From here, you can enter a cheat code. AR5201. In this file you will see a '' [Program Options]'' heading. Go to Documents/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition and find a folder named "characters" there. If you notice something. Potions of Power raise the hitpoints, improves THAC0 and thieving abilities by +20% of the base number. What this mod does: Imports more Siege of Dragonspear items into logical (to me at. Armor. The Robe of Vecna is a unique robe for Mages. It is able to inflict 2D4 +3 points of damage, instead of 1d4 +4 that a War Hammer +3 would do, and has +3 bonus to THAC0 and speed factor. Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (2012) This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate:. Just like the cursed sword from Brage,. Reviews. Published: November 17, 2000 by Cheat Code Central Staff. Other names. 2 - Unicode support. Technical information. ini file in Baldur's Gate 2 directory,then open it with Notepad. Once you install the cheat engine, these are some of the cheats that you can currently use: Ability Stat Points (save game to populate) Add 50 to Rolls. Archmage robes, a +2 protection item, and Spirit Armor is better AC than even that +5 adamantine chain. They deal 1-8 points of slashing damage and are commonly used by enemies, such as bandits and blacktalon mercenaries. Curses! (Item Revisions) - revision of some cursed items Deidre and Joluv in BG:EE Distinguishable clubs Ebon Lash and Hades Hand for Edwin & Xzar. The Final Chapter - Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition includes Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, the epic conclusion of. When worn by any party member, on some maps a faint cloudy white figure may be seen moving around, and the message "Through the Spectacles of Spectacle you. Armor class-3 bonus vs slashing. It can be traded, along with the Idol of Kozah, to the Ghost of Ulcaster for the sword The Vampire's Revenge- a sword that heals the target while injuring the wielder. In the Enhanced Edition games it can store up to 100. 2. 90. C: EnableCheatKeys () Home Forums > D&D Games Forums > Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition > Sorcerer's Place is a project run entirely by fans and for fans. It is a normal 1D4 dagger and it has no magical enhancements. 31 Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition; 292 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; 28 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; 259 Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 100 Modding; 236 Off Topic; 393 French; 59 Discussions Générales; 10 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (French) 3 Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition (French) 17. From here, you can enter a cheat code. 7. Code: DWBOLT02 11)Bolt +1 Damage: 1D8 (1-8) Damage type: Piercing Abilities: THAC0 +1 Code: BOLT02 12)Case of Plenty +1 (Throne of Bhaal) Abilities: Unlimited +1 bolts. M. 17. -. Baldur's Gate 1 Weapon Proficiency. The Oasis. An alternative solution is to use save editors. SteveTheMad Jun 15, 2020 @ 9:52am. 3k more. As a result, players will have to use the Cheat Engine by FearLess for Baldur’s Gate 3 to have some cheats. 6. You can generally find most codes for BG:EE and BG2:EE from this list, if not just pop another question and someone will help you. +4. lua in a text editor like Notepad++ or Wordpad (don't use Notepad, it doesn't work with . At the bottom of your page when playing the game are icons. Rewrote the inventory icon display code for some of the higher resolution item icons. C:UserMy DocumentsBaldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition. It is rather simple but follow the instructions carefully. Item code. Exporting item and spell lists now also supports UTF-8 encoding. ”For Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition on the Nintendo Switch, GameFAQs has game information and a community message board for game discussion. 5-12. This is a list of all the new notable magic items in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Shadows of Amn (2013)This icon indicates content from the Shadows of Amn campaign of the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Elven Chain Mail is a very light magical armor found in the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Siege of Dragonspear, Shadows of Amn, Throne of Bhaal, and The Black Pits II. Algernon's Cloak. Bladesinger Chain has a weight of 15 lbs, but an extremely high item value, which means it can be sold for a lot of gold. They are filled with traps, monsters, and many encounters are deadly (even for max-level parties) without good. or Helm of Defense, is an enchanted helmet which provides protection. New Challenges: The Black Pits, arena style battles. Enter the Baldur's Gate II directory and find the baldur. cf. This infernal longsword, forged to resemble a devil's tongue, has a blade "sharper than any scream" according to. POTN44. Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition revives the classic RPG with fresh updates for modern players. Surviving in the area of Durlag's Tower is not really hard, but the building is one of the most difficult areas in the game, especially the underground levels. It is considered a magical and +4 enchanted item and deals 1d12 Slashing damage damage (adjusted by Strength bonus), with a range of one foot, and speed factor of 0. It is found lying on a table, along with the Sword of Balduran and Balduran's Logbook. When you are playing the game (and are in the same screen you experience combat in) you should now be able to hit Ctrl+Space and see a black box appear (I've put a yellow box around it in the following image) Type in the appropriate code in the box and then hit enter. Open the subfolder for the game in question, e. ini'' 3. 0 release was premature, and that 2. DocumentsBaldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition folder and you will find baldur. ini file with wordpad (notepad doesn't format this properly) Insert the following line as shown. ini'' file under where you installed the game. Backup the baldur. First appearing in Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, this item can be imported into the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. BDMISC47. Hide armor. 1 Description; 2 Locations. LUA files). 1. C:\Users\"your user account"\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\baldur. The first installment of Baldur's Gate series feature a series of tomes & manuals which allow the player to permanently increase a character's ability scores by one point. Other. When compared to a normal war hammer, it has a bonus of +2 damage, THAC0 and faster speed factor. 6K. Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition includes the original Baldur’s Gate adventure, the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion, and all-new content including three new party members. Bassilus's Holy Symbol may be obtained from the corpse of Bassilus,. Game Version. To do that, navigate to your installation folder, open baldur. Bag of Holding is a magical bag with capacity of 100 item slots and a fixed weight of 5 lb. This item appears in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is a story-driven 90s RPG set in the world of Dungeons & Dragons. Bastard Sword +1. near Quayle just outside Baldur's Gate Elan Garaq (×3). Flail of Ages would become more powerful as more heads for it are attached. It can be found inside a locked chest in Dradeel's Cabin. Then open the ''icewind. The best way to use them is. Tomes that add +1. In the original Tales of the Sword Coast, as well as in the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, this bottle has a similar purpose as quest items and is required to progress in the area where it's received: Durlag's Tower, 1st basement – acquired after putting the grapes into the winepress and get that started by repairing its engine. A Beljuril is a very rare gem. Under [Program Options] heading type Debug Mode=1 to enable cheats and save the file. So, during my BGEE run I used the chests at that evil dwarf's shop in Beregost after he left to store all my stuff. Priest spells; Wizard spells; Spells by class;. Closest thing would be to use something like ee keeper and look at the item browser it would have the name of the item and the code like Ring01 or Book12 or similar. CLUAConsole:CreateItem ("POTN08", 10) will create 10 potions of cure light wounds. Head for your documents directory and find the Baldur’s Gate – Enhanced Edition folder. Other. g. If a character is able to "automatically" identify, is determined by their lore – which depends on their class and level and on their. View: 36. 0 the old code prefix "CLUAConsole:" no longer works. You can get it as well in The Black Pits II: Gladiators of Thay as. Additionally, the speed factor and the weight of the weapon are reduced by 1. When it's compared to a normal katana, it has +1 bonus to damage and THAC0. The Answerer +4. Save the file and run the game. Cloakwood. The Protector of the Dryads +2 is an enchanted shortbow, also known by the name Eagle Bow. Baldur's gate 2: enhanced edition trainer (patch 11. 2 Cheat Keys. Item code. Contents. ini file. 1. This item appears in Shadows of Amn. Baldur's Gate -- Enhanced Edition. Siege of Dragonspear - If you are continuing from BG1 to SOD as mentioned, you will lose the bulk of your gold after the initial transition dungeon in SOD. the list goes on. ini file (located in the BG installation directory). Durlag's Tower Walkthrough. Under that heading add a line that says "Debug Mode=1. Code: DWBOLT01 10)Drow Bolt of Stunning Damage: 1D8 +1 (2-9) Damage type: Piercing Abilities: THAC0 +1 Target must save vs. This item, like most drow equipment, is created using Adamantine, an alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if removed from the Underdark. Category for items that can be equipped as the character's helmet. g. and requires 10 Strength to wield it. Item value. First, you need to activate the console. Example -. Welcome to the item code list for Beamdog's cRPG of 2016, Siege of Dragonspear. Open baldur. Cursed. C: EnableCheatKeys ()The Spectacles of Spectacle are a hat-type quest item that may be encountered in Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. Start the game and press [Ctrl] + [Spacebar] to display the console window. Updated: 01/22/1999. Valygar Corthala is a neutral good human stalker and a potential companion in Baldur's Gate IIClassic & Enhanced This icon indicates content from all games of the 2nd Baldur's Gate instalment – all editions and expansions.